Raising a glass of Hoegaarden to salute wonderful person, brewer, and Texican…
Definitely a glass raised. I met him at the GABF 5 or so years ago. He was so friendly and full of energy and so very tiny. He was really excited to meet and chat with my wife in his native language.
Looks like I’ll be brewing wit next weekend.
A Wit is now officially in order.
R.I.P. Pierre.
Also met him in Denver at a brewpub during GABF. He was one of my heroes.
I guess my Celis Brewery pint glasses need to graduate to the beer shrine. Cheers, Pierre.
I brewed a wit on April 9. It had all the makings of a brewing disaster, (stuck runoff), but everything worked out just fine. Had reasonable efficiency, and the yeast took off quickly (WLP400). This will have raspberries from last fall’s harvest added to the secondary. Cheers, Pierre!