Another Pumpkin Beer - Pumpkin Porter - Suggestions?

So I am planning to brew up a pumpkin porter this weekend and this is the first time I have ever added vegetables…or really anything, to my mash besides grain.  Looking for a robust pumpkin pie beer.  Thoughts on the following recipe?

5 gallon batch

5.75 lbs Marris Otter
1.75 lbs Light Munich
1.25 lbs Brown Malt
1 lbs 80 L Crystal Malt
.7 lbs Chocolate
.5 lbs Debittered Black
.5 lbs Dark Wheat
.25 lbs Chocolate Rye
.75 oz Simcoe (60 minutes)
1 oz Willamette (20 minutes)
.75 oz Willamette (5 minutes)

2 - 28 oz cans of pumpkin
3 tsp of pumpkin spice mix

yeast: British Ale

Thoughts?  Should I need to add a pound of rice hulls to avoid getting stuck?

Thanks All!

Yes to the rice hulls.

I would also only do 1 tsp of the spicing in the boil, save anything else for packaging. You can always put more in, but you can’t take it out!