Anthem Data Breach

And the hits just keep on coming…

Well, I received notice last week from Anthem that my data may have been compromised in the massive data breach that they suffered late last year.  The crazy thing is that Anthem is not my insurance provider, and I am careful not to use out-of-network providers.  A representative at my insurance company told me that if Anthem has my name and address, then they have more than likely processed an insurance claim with my name on it in the last ten years.

The lack of safeguards that this company had in place boggles my mind. The company is using the “no credit card or banking information was stolen” line to play down the damage.  No, the criminals stole information far more dangerous to the financial health of affected individuals because the damage cannot be limited by getting a new credit card number issued or closing a compromised bank account.  The criminal organization that hit Anthem lifted names, dates of birth, social security numbers, addresses, and employment information, including income.  A person whose name, date of birth, and social security number have been stolen will have to look over his/her shoulder for the rest of his/her life, as these data values are the keys to the modern kingdom.  Throw in employment information, and the thieves made off with a treasure trove of life destroying data.

Three years ago my info was stolen including the ss number. I check every account at least once a day. You will never feel secure again.

More than likely it was lab work that processed through their system, unless you saw any doctors out of your state.