I’ve only seen Josh live once and it was an awesome show at First Ave in Minneapolis. I’ve listened to most of his stuff, and I have to say that I don’t think there are many other singer/songwriters out there who can match him.
If you haven’t heard any Josh Ritter, check out a few of these tunes.
I could keep going here for a long time, but this gives you a pretty good sampling.
As for albums, I think Hello Starling is a masterpiece, and The Beast in its Tracks is also solid. If you ever get a chance to see him live, go for it! Apparently, Stephen King is a big fan. Josh also wrote a novel that I haven’t read yet. Either way, if you’re into handcrafted tunes, you’ll like Josh. Let me know what you think.
Brother from another mother! We’ve been listening to him for a good 10+ yrs. Been to 3 of his shows including one at First Ave., another at the Fitz in SP, and at Park West in Chicago. He puts on a terrific show. Hard to believe so few people have heard of him. He such good songwriter. You have highlighted several great songs there. Galahad is so good. The Curse… If I had to pick one album as a favorite, it would be Animal Years. Anyone into songwriting would be well served to check out his stuff.
Right on, neddles! I’m surprised to see so many views with nobody chiming in, but like you said, he is surprisingly not very well-known. I appreciate handmade music just as much as handmade beer. Cheers!
Next time you’re brewing, load up some Josh Ritter on Spotify and see what you think.
He seems talented but too “singer-songwritery” for my personal taste. I want John Belushi in a toga to grab the acoustic guitar out of his hands and smash it against the wall and then sheepishly say “sorry”.