Any statisticians here?

Drew and I are writing up evaluation procedures for the book and we need some statistics help.  Anybody here got the skills?

87.6% of all statistics are made up right on the spot.

can we assume then that 13.4% of the statistics then are factual?

I would recommend against it.  8)

I’d love to help buy not sure I’m qualified

I got skills. Depends what exactly you need I guess.

Edit: I’d PM you, but there are three denny’s in the system.

Good to see you back in good humor!

I have enough statistics to be dangerous. You need a pro.

“The book”?

Did you know that 87.166253% of all statistics claim a precision of results that is not justified by the method employed?

Statistics mean never having to say you are certain…

With a nod to my statistics professor at UCF, Dr. Pam.  A good friend, and one of the coolest people I have ever known.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Numbers will tell you what you want to hear but correctly posed question can give you usefully answer.
Still this is just statistical answer and not factual answer.

I hated statistics in grad school.  Hated it.

But you ought to be able to do anything you need to in Excel.

I’m pretty rusty so I’d likely be no help.

Thanks, everyone.  John Palmer is gonna help us out.

We used the term “sadistics”.

99% of the math on this thread is fuzzy.

no, they are just made up at a later date

Apparently no statisticians but lots of comedians.  :smiley:

Shoot me an email if you still need some help.