Anybody Going to DMC in Aurora IL?

I got accepted to judge at the Drunk Monk Challenge, my wife is stewarding.  I know a couple of other people who are judging, anybody from here going to be there?  We’ll be arriving Friday night, hopefully in time for the party after the mead/cider judging.

I will be there.

Wow you recovered from the KCBM contest fast!

I’ll be there for the Saturday session.

Me too, coming up Friday night but can’t take off work and its a four hour drive so no mead/cider for me.

I may be there. I depends on my basement-finishing construction schedule. My wife’s not getting any less pregnant… So I need to get that project done before we run out of bedrooms in the house.

She’s moving you to the basement eh?

Well, the kegerator will be down there…  :wink: