It was either on TLC or Discovery… I can’t remember. ??? Anyway it was a documentary about moonshine, it was interesting. They said moonshine as we know it is practically gone now, not nearly as many shiners out there as the ATF and licensed distillers have taken over.
They had an old boy on there that was busted twice, and he was making his last batch forever on TV. ;D Anyway it was cool, the old boy walked you through it, just corn, water and wild yeast… then after a week of sitting they boiled it in a make-shift hearth. It went from the brew kettle to a “doubler” which catches the Fusel alcohols and lets the remaining steam continue on to the cooling coil. From there you want it to run slow or you’ll get fusels, and Do number the containers because the first container has a higher alcohol content. They mix or blend the containers from there to get a good cohesive(?) mix.
Look it up online, not kidding, it was a good show except it was a little hard to understand some of the words, they had a good drawl.