I have a lot of Vienna, Munich and wheat on hand and wanted to try something different. Kolsch seems to be a yeast defined style so I was wondering if anyone else has had success with a non-pils based version.
It would probably taste very good but it will give the beer a reddish color. If you’re okay with a darker color and a more toasty aspect to the malt profile then go for it. Keep in mind that the classic fruitiness achieved from the Kolsch yeast will be slightly covered up by the Vienna toast aspect. Let us know how it turns out if you decide to go with the Vienna malt.
I think you’re better off making a pseudo-Vienna using Kolsch yeast and Vienna malt than trying to make a Kolsch using Vienna malt.
It might be very good, but it won’t be anything like a Kolsch. The flavor and appearance will be totally different.
Totally agree - it will be more like a Vienna Style lager or Fest type beer but won’t taste anything like a kolsch. Would be very tasty, just not very “kolschy”.