Anyone else using Yeastcalc?


After futzing with Sean Terrill’s MrMalty instructions for stepped starters for a few batches, getting annoyed and calculating them out by hand, someone pointed me to a calculator that figures the steps out for me!

This is probably old news for you guys, but in case it isn’t, check it out.

I have used it a few times.  Helps for lagers where you need a boatload of cell.

I use it and prefer it to Mr. Malty. Mainly because you can do stepped starter calcs.

Looks interesting.


seems cool. I just did a stepped starter and apparently I underpitched, ahh well.

I would take slight issue with the use of the word doublings 35 b doubled twice is quite a bit more than 100b

Very cool, I’ll give it a couple test runs next week.

I’ve used it a few times as well.  I like it.

40 % more

In White and Zainasheff’s Yeast they make the same mistake, using “doubling” when they meant “multiplication factor.” They do that in a few places throughout the book, so I wonder if that’s just some yeast guy convention that makes no sense.