Anyone make their own hopper for grain mill?

I just bought more beers 4" grain mill and the plastic jug hopper that comes with it is a joke. I was thinking of making some thing out of wood or aluminum sheet metal. Anyone here make their own? Love to see some pictures…Thanks

Something like this?

Not bad thirsty monk, looking to make it tappered on all four sides. Getting the angle right is kicking my butt.

You could look at MullerBrau site but he does not have a drawing there.

So in the link that thirsty_monk gave you he’s got 90degree angles… you want to do the same thing with 45degree angle?
‘Getting the angle right is kicking my butt.’

So if you don’t know how to do the angle, why waste time and just do what thirsty showed you?! Thats a simple, straightforward, I-got-the-job-done-in-record-time-and-am-brewing-again plan!

Here ya go . . .



Hey guys, great ideas, thanks. To answer ehalls question, if you only tapper two of the four sides, it will only be as wide as your mill. And in my case that’s only four inches. dhacker, nice job of thinking outside of the box…

I use an inverted 5 gallon plastic water bottle.
