Anyone receive the January/February 2022 Zymurgy?

I ask as I didn’t receive the November/December 2021 issue until I called the AHA. Replacement received in a couple of days. Wondering if the January/February 2022 issue is also lost in the USPS bureaucracy.

I just received my J-F issue yesterday, though I still haven’t received my N-D issue!  They keep telling me it’s coming.  Should be any day now.  ::slight_smile:

Got mine yesterday.

Got mine a few days ago


Got it yesterday.

Two days ago, although it was mangled by the USPS …

Got mine 4 days ago.

My first issue.  Very impressed!

OK. Thanks. Hopefully, issue is delivered the week of January 9th.

Me too.

Me three.

My Jan/Feb issue came a couple days ago.  Had to call the AHA with regard to the Nov/Dec issue which I had not received.  They sent me a copy of the magazine after I talked to them.

I got mine a few days ago but still haven’t seen the Nov/Dec issue.

I got one yesterday.  Didn’t look at the month though.

Not as of yesterday. Mine usually shows up later than most, according to earlier posts on the subject.

Apparently, Post Office decided NOT to keep my January/February issue as I received it on Monday, January 10, 2022.