I picked up a six of this today to educate myself a little in the style before trying my own. I really need to try some other examples before I can judge how true-to-style this is, but here are my impressions: After several sips, I noticed a 3-stage progression of flavors
- First was a bready/yeasty flavor and aroma which was quite pleasant
- A combination of sweetness and alcohol hotness. I didn’t see %abv on the label, but if you told me 10% or more I would not be surprised. It was a little too sweet for my taste, especially with minimal hop bitterness to balance it. I was o.k. with the alcohol content, but more than a couple would definitely knock your [insert crude expression for genitals] in the dirt.
- A little roast grain flavor, and what might have been some brown sugar flavor. The roast grain flavor helped quite a bit to balance the sweetness, but not completely.
Overall not bad. It definitely gave my some ideas on how to go when I formulate a recipe, which I am sure will not be true to style, but that’s the way I roll.