Archaeologist: Beer Sowed the Seeds of Civilization

A friend sent this to me.

Good article, thanks Fred. :slight_smile:

Didn’t you move a similar topic to the Pub a couple of days ago?  ;D

yea, but when I did the discussion had moved away from history and brewing.  I’ll move this one too if that happens.

No worries Fred, just teasing you. :wink:

My world history professor in college perked up my ears when he claimed something similar. Man stopped moving around and stayed put so that he could brew  ;D

Well, he’d have to - would you want to lug around your carboy all day, every day?  :wink:

My chemistry teacher in high school (a Brit) claimed that Carl von Linde invented the refrigerator so that German brewers could brew lagers all year round.
Wiki seems to support his claims - sort of ( Carl von Linde - Wikipedia )

Carl was a very bright man!

It goes with the name…  ;D