Are mash hops old fashioned?

I hardly see them in recipes anymore.

I used a Plinyesque hop schedule yesterday;
put a couple ounces of homegrown Chinook in my mash.

So what do you think?
Have mash hops just fallen out of style, or are other hopping techniques just more effective?

Brewing is old fashioned

mash hops are just another technique

You don’t see mash hopping mentioned because so many people have tried it and found it doesn’t work that nit’s gone out of vogue.  It was one of those things that sounded cool but did nothing for the beer.

I think it does work, but FWH is a better technique. Back in the day I added lots of mash hops - back in the day when hops were a third of the price they are now. Hops are too expensive to waste on the technique now, IMO.

When I was doing a small mash for another experiment, I threw some hops in just to see what they did. Even with 1/2 oz of pellets in a 500 g mash (~5 oz for a 5 gal batch) I couldn’t taste any hop bitterness or flavor in the finished beer. IIRC I used Chinook.

Gone out of vogue…that is the sentiment I was thinking of.

I definitely could taste that hops had been imparted to the runoff, even though the never got above 170 degrees. So it seems like it adds something.  I guess that you all are saying that it gives nothing distinct, in the way of hopping, that other methods can’t provide?

Interesting.  Are you saying you were comparing two different beers and you added mash hop to one and not the other?

IIRC, I tried mash hopping 3-5 times on a pale ale recipe I brew frequently.  I couldn’t tell any difference between the versions that used mash hops and the ones that didn’t.

No, it was a single beer. I added the mash hops on a whim, to see what it would do.