I brewed an Arrogant Bastard clone for the Virginia Beer Blitz competition. Arrogant Bastard is listed as a commercial example in Catagory 23 Specialty Beer. I have to declare a “base beer” on the entry form. Should I call it an “American Strong Ale” like beeradvocate does?
Some others might chime in with some good ideas. But before the new BJCP guidelines come out for use next year, your best bet would be in the Specialty cat (depending on how close you came to cloning AB). I would describe it as an Arrogant Bastard clone attempt with American Strong Ale as your base beer. Be sure to list IBU levels, hop type and aroma present, and even noticeable malt flavors/aromas. This is simply to help the judges better understand what you were attempting. Although, I am sure almost all judges have had AB in their past.
I consider it to be like an Imperial American Amber Ale. If you say that then I think the judges will really know what you are talking about… I bet their thoughts will likely go immediately towards “oh… so something like Arrogant Bastard”.
Unless it is exactly like arrogant bastard I would not refer to it as a clone. Judges might think they should judge it on how similar it is to the original.
I’d go with American Amber Ale as the base, and special ingredient being that its Imperial.
Yes, while it is very similar, it is not an “exact” clone. Just a pretty good attempt. I wasn’t going to mention that it was a clone. It is a good beer though. I think it is good enough to see what happens in a competition.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Supposedly the new guidelines will have a sub cat for clones. Much debated im sure. I belive there will be 22B American Strong Ale with arrogant bastard being the top commercial example.
I’ve won competitions listing it in the American Amber category before.