Ask the Experts - Randy Mosher - answers posted

Questions for Randy and his answers are now posted at .

Next up are Jamil Zainisheff and Chris White, taking questions on yeast.  Look for the call for questions shortly after the first of the year.

Great stuff from Randy, as usual. :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed that. Great job by Randy!

That was excellent. Great info on Belgians.

Thanks denny and all who were involved in bringing about “ask the experts.”  I like it

I liked it. Not overly technical. The questions weren’t punishing and Mr Mosher answered with good aplomb.

I actually had some of that Partial Eclipse he brewed with Goose, it was really good.

I am curious about using a product called “Clarity-Ferm” from White Labs. It is a food-grade proteolytic enzyme made by DSM that is designed to clarify the wort at the start of fermentation. What’s your opinion on using it? Any off flavors or side-effects? I am planning on making a Maibock and thought Clarity-Ferm might help get it finish bright and clear. Thanks.