Ask the Experts

I was wondering if anyone knows if “Ask the Experts” is going to happen again.

AFAIK, there are no plans for it to return.

Now I’m curious.  Was there a specific question you wanted to ask?

FWIW, there’s some great info to reference in the Ask The Experts archives (Mitch Steele, Stan Hieronymous, Chris White, etc.) for anyone who hasn’t checked them out.

I want to know what melanoidins taste like. Denny won’t tell us.

Does color taste if you close your eyes?

yes, there is, and checking them out and realizing how long its been since Stan’s made me wonder if it was discontinued. I imagine asking someone to commit to that many detailed questions is kind of daunting.

nope, if I did I would ask it right here and get great answers. I just thought it was a great perk of being part of this forum and missed it. The last time it happened (Stan H.) I was very new to the forum and thought “wow, how awesome is this.” I was hoping someone might just say “oh yeah we haven’t done that in a while, let’s line someone up”. I also completely see how much work it would be : its a lot to ask of someone. I’m not complaining its gone, just bringing up that it was cool and I also sort of hate seeing an inactive section. (speaking of which, what the heck do those blocks in our profile mean anyway?)

One more thing: I view “ask the experts” as a fun treat. there are plenty here who are experts in their own right and we get so much more from the follow up questions and back and forth on an everyday basis.

Yeah, I somehow got three blocks and am an “assistant brewer” like I should know something.
Well, I already can make better beer than I can buy at the local stores.  But where I live, that’s not saying much!

The blocks indicate how much you’re avoiding real life. :wink:


Say the one blockers… :smiley:

Number of posts could be an indicator as well, I suppose.  :wink:

Hey all,

Great to hear there’s interest in bring back Ask the Experts! Currently there aren’t any scheduled but we have a few ideas in mind. If any one has any suggestions for people they’d like to see as the expert, post in here and we will take them into consideration!


Matt Brynildson
Vinnie Cilurzo
John Kimmich
Tomme Arthur
Michael Dawson

+1 to all of these plus:
Peter Bouckaert
Chad Yakobson
Jay Goodwin
Jean Van Roy
Paul Girardin

Michael Tonsmeire

A list from Designing Great Beers, by Ray Daniels:
“Chocolate, Rye bread, Musty, Violets, Buttery, Burnt, Toasted, Fruity aromatic, Rose perfume, Rock candy, Caramel, Bready, maple syrup, Burnt protein, Sweet”

I’m a helper.  :wink:

Perfect! Now I know. Thanks Steve