Aussies celebrate the "No Pants Subway Ride"

I ran across this today; “Aussies celebrate the No Pants Subway Ride”. I
thought I was onto something brewing no pants.

is this really gandelf or is this weaze masquerading as gandelf?

What is a weaze? I have had gandelf since the early nineties; Gandalf was already taken
of course. I introduced Tolkien to my two kids and we were reading it; memory lane.

As for brewing with no pants; take a look see at the Brewing Network.

Weaze, AKA Weazletoe is the godfather of no-pants here on the forum, so it was a joke as to who posted about No-Pants related material.

More on topic, Seattle celebrated the 5th annual No-Pants Light Rail ride yesterday.

correct, combined with a commentary on the recent spat of weird user profile switching (freaky Friday style)