B. E. A. UTIFUL day for a brew day!

Just wanted to say that is it February 8th in KC and it is 65f out. Just mashed in a German Pilsner and nailed the temp.

Trying out the newer mill with a batch sparge and Avangard Pils. Let’s see what kind of efficiency we get today!

Very nice setup!  I’ve gotten noticeably better extraction with Avangard pils, so I’m curious to see how you end up. Great February weather.

Way to go Mrs Rogers!

Same here.

It’s pushing 50 here. I wish I would have brewed this weekend. It will probably be 4 degrees next time I brew lol.

I figured I should take advantage of the amazing day before it’s 20 again. I’ve been talking about brewing this Pils since July of last year. Ha.

Nothing better than sneaking in a good brew day! Have fun!

Yellowhammer keggles?

Just kidding

Not as warm here…so I made a Cyser in the basement.

Enjoying the weather here in KC as well.  Unfortunately, instead of brewing, I bottled for the first time in two years.  Capping 750’s for the first time wasn’t pleasant. So much variance between bottles.  Would rather have been brewing.  At least it will look cool pouring a saison in a month.

i’ve seen this reported from some . i haven’t seen any big difference- besides a point or so and that’s within the variability expectation. perhaps though i’m not going to see much difference as I do crush pretty tight.

I also didn’t see much of a difference. I got 72% efficiency, which is my normal. Not sure why it was similar to a no sparge from last weekend, but I estimated that I’d get 72% anyway so I nailed my numbers (1.049 OG) - just didn’t get the extra beer I was kinda hoping for! Perhaps next time I’ll take better mash notes. Yesterday was a laissez-faire type of brew day. The weather gave me a case of ‘don’t really cares’.  8)

Hey Scot, when do I get to try the cyser? :slight_smile:

I think I figured out the no sparge/batch sparge similarity. I don’t really do a no-sparge. I just mashout with the extra water, recirc, and drain. It’s basically a quick batch sparge.

you should split up the batch and dry hop portions with Saphir, Motueka, and Mosaic!

also, let me know when the mango hefe is ready.



The hefe will be brewed the day after our comp, 2/22. I think it’s going to have to be a group effort to get that thing brewed after the banquet.  :o  So sometime in mid-March? Let me know when you’re coming up here and we’ll get you some.

Hmmm.  I brewed 3 back to back lagers with Avangard (the first times using it), hit volumes pretty spot on, and came out ~ .004-.005 high on OG, on all three. I normally get within a point or two on most beers. I’d read references to high extraction from Avangard - who knows. Good malt regardless.

Well you beat me to it Amanda.

Just about to mash out here in Bastrop TX - and its gorgeous here too.

I also copied your MM3/Powergrinder into a stand last week. First brew with the new mill. Killed 25 # of grain in about 1.5 minutes flat at 180 rpm. Loved the crush, but the numbers will tell if I am hanging around where I expect.

FYI - I have always lost about 5 points batch sparging on the Sabco. Never really understood it. I think it might be the keggle configuration. Nearly always hit around 80% with a nice slow fly sparge with it though.

It may be because there’s almost a gallon under the false bottom.  That’s a lot of wort no matter how much it gets diluted.

Yeah, I’ve gotten higher numbers when I either fly sparge or when I really take proper measurements for strike water used, first runnings volume, strike water needed/used, etc.

I’m basically leaving sugar in the brewery by being a bit lazy. Sure, I could fly sparge (but it takes too long!) or actually use math, but it’s more relaxing to me to just grab all the sugars I feel like grabbing and make volume adjustments in the boil kettle. If I end up with more or less beer, so be it! Grain is cheap, so high efficiency is not a priority. Shaving an hour or two off the brew day is a priority!

Sweet!  8) Pics?


Not quite finished yet… but good enough to mill. The skirt worked better than I expected to keep the dust down. Cantilever too for access underneath the front. Not as pretty as yours, but some paint will help when I get around to it.

Just about to hit preboil volume - flame is on so should be at boil in a about 10 minutes. American Brown ale - with Willamette and late Cascades.

I am getting there on the ‘just brew’ front. I have spent two years really digging into the numbers and working hard to figure out what I am doing right and wrong. Next brew is without all of the widgets…

I have never been a fan of keggle-based brewing systems because most are eyesores, but the Sabco system has always been tastefully done.