So I’m brewing two beers for a friends baby shower. One is Imperial chocolate peanut butter oatmeal stout, the second is “imperial” amber/red ginger rye beer. I was hoping to get some feed back on my recipe ideas.
First- the ginger rye. we are shooting for reddish color and hoping to get more ginger flavor (avoiding the heat). Thinking Irish red meets a roggenbeir with ginger/ I’m also hoping the late addition honey and candied ginger will provide a touch of sweetness to balance the heat.
Title: Imperial ginger rye
Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: American Amber Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 6 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 7.5 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.060
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Original Gravity: 1.083
Final Gravity: 1.022
ABV (standard): 8.01%
IBU (tinseth): 14.78
SRM (morey): 21.92
11 lb - United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale (62.9%)
2.5 lb - American - Rye (14.3%)
20 oz - Honey - (late addition) (7.1%)
20 oz - Honey (7.1%)
0.5 lb - United Kingdom - Chocolate (2.9%)
0.75 lb - United Kingdom - Crystal 45L (4.3%)
0.25 lb - American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) (1.4%)
0.5 oz - Cluster, Type: Pellet, AA: 6.5, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 9.44
0.25 oz - Cluster, Type: Pellet, AA: 6.5, Use: Boil for 30 min, IBU: 3.63
0.25 oz - Cluster, Type: Pellet, AA: 6.5, Use: Boil for 10 min, IBU: 1.71
- Sparge, Temp: 155 F, Time: 60 min, Amount: 19.5 qt
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.3 qt/lb
1 oz - Fresh gigner (diced), Time: 15 min, Type: Spice, Use: Boil
1 oz - candied ginger, Time: 7200 min, Type: Spice, Use: Secondary
1 oz - fresh ginger (diced), Time: 60 min, Type: Spice, Use: Mash
1 tsp - Irish moss, Time: 15 min, Type: Fining, Use: Boil
Wyeast - British Ale 1335
Starter: No
Form: Liquid
Attenuation (avg): 74.5%
Flocculation: High
Optimum Temp: 63 - 75 F
Fermentation Temp: 66 F
Profile Name: Denver, Colorado, USA
Ca2: 32
Mg2: 9
Na: 0
Cl: 24
SO4: 21
HCO3: 0
Water Notes:
Use 2pkgs of yeast
Generated by Brewer’s Friend -
Date: 2017-02-13 06:00 UTC
Recipe Last Updated: 2017-02-13 04:26 UTC
the second we are shooting a non-super sweet beer version of a Reese’s cup.
Title: oatmeal choc peanut butter
Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: Imperial Stout
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 6 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 7.5 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.069
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Original Gravity: 1.086
Final Gravity: 1.023
ABV (standard): 8.24%
IBU (tinseth): 42.01
SRM (morey): 33.26
6.5 lb - American - Pale 2-Row (31%)
6.5 lb - United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale (31%)
2 lb - Belgian Candi Syrup - Clear (0L) (9.5%)
1 lb - Flaked Oats (4.8%)
1 lb - Rice Hulls (4.8%)
1.5 lb - United Kingdom - Amber (7.1%)
1 lb - United Kingdom - Golden Naked Oats (4.8%)
0.75 lb - American - Dark Chocolate (3.6%)
0.5 lb - American - Roasted Barley (2.4%)
0.25 lb - American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) (1.2%)
1 oz - Brewer’s Gold, Type: Pellet, AA: 9, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 24.03
1 oz - Willamette, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.5, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 12.01
1 oz - Willamette, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.5, Use: Boil for 15 min, IBU: 5.96
- Sparge, Temp: 155 F, Time: 60 min, Amount: 22.8 qt
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.3 qt/lb
8 oz - Cacoa powder, Time: 10 min, Type: Flavor, Use: Boil
6.8 oz - peanut butter powder, Time: 10 min, Type: Flavor, Use: Boil
8 oz - Cacoa chips , Time: 14400 min, Type: Flavor, Use: Secondary
6.8 oz - peanut butter powder, Time: 14400 min, Type: Flavor, Use: Secondary
Wyeast - American Ale II 1272
Starter: No
Form: Liquid
Attenuation (avg): 74%
Flocculation: High
Optimum Temp: 60 - 72 F
Fermentation Temp: 65 F
2pkgs of yeast
Generated by Brewer’s Friend -
Date: 2017-02-13 06:18 UTC
Recipe Last Updated: 2017-02-13 06:18 UTC
Any and all feedback is welcome