backwards recipe creation

Not sure that subject describes the question but here goes: I have a bunch of hops and some yeast and want to make some beer. Is there a web site or something that I can begin with either hops or yeast and come up with the other ingredients for the brew? I am manually searching my back issues of BYO and Zymurgy but it is time consuming and I want to place an order for grain. Oh yeah, that is the missing ingredient and I want to determine how much of what for the grain bill. Thanks in advance.
back to the search…

Post your yeast and hop inventory right here, and I’ll bet you get plenty of great recipes.


We do recipe suggestions commonly, and with most yeasts and hops, you can do a pale ale of some sort pretty easily.

There are plenty of excellent brewers on this site that will hook you up if you post here. In addition, Google a few of your ingredients and see what you find (something like “recipe wlp570 tettnang” for example). I’d take most online recipes with a grain of salt unless you trust the author or see several positive reviews, but it should at least give you some ideas and/or a starting point.

When I’m working with a new style, I’ll generally either tweak a recipe from Brewing Classic Styles, or go real simple (akin to Drew’s “Brewing on the 1’s” concept - one base malt & one roast/kilned/crystal malt).

You could restrict it to the AHA wiki. Then you’ll at least get (mostly) known-good recipes, including the NHC winners.

Thanks a bunch. I am going to do some more search functions and reading - the old articles are very educational. Here is what I have, all pellet, just for anyone to roll around in the old noodle.
pound of tettnanger
pound of willamette
almost a pound of: columbus, nugget, magnum and northern brewer. Turns out the yeast was a no-go. expired and did not pass starter test.  :o

WHOA, DUDE. That wiki search tip is awesome. I did not even know that you could do that. WOW. I feel like an empty headed animal food trough wiper. This could even have impact on the Earths gravity in the future.
THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. :slight_smile: :smiley: ;D ::slight_smile: 8)