Bacon maple beer!

From Rogue, of course…

I love Rogue, bacon and maple bars and bacon maple bars… but that stuff is nasty.
Tastes like liquid smoke.

I haven’t actually tried it.  Somehow I’m not surprised to hear your assessment.

Gross.  I would take the free range coastal water over that every day. :stuck_out_tongue:

My friend drove quite a few hours to try a bacon beer in Michigan (can’t remember the brewery) and he was very disappointed…I just laughed ::slight_smile:

I’m crying tears of joy as I type this.

Is this really the first you’ve heard of this beer Weaze?  I posted a picture of the label months ago in a different bacon related thread in which Denny had linked a photo of a Voodoo Bacon Maple Doughnut. Which by the way is a thing of divine inspiration.  As a sweet bready snack… delicious.  As a beverage…not so much.

Haven’t tried this beer yet but would like to…at least once.  I stand with the “don’t knock it until you try it” camp.

Afterall…I am a BBQ fan.  ::slight_smile:

Bar-b-q is fantastic and sure experience the beer for yourself.  I’ve seen lot’s of comments from folks that claim to “love it”.  I have to think they’re Rogue agents. I’ve tried it, it aint good, I’m knocking this b!t@& out of the park.

It  gives me the visual of pouring beer over my pancakes and bacon then putting in a blender.  :-\

I’m not sure what that would taste like but I wouldn’t do that “on purpose”…if you get my drift.  ;)  :slight_smile:

That just sounds wrong.

I recall an old Zymugy ad featuring “Raspberry Antelope Hops.” (If we don’t stock it you probably don’t want it.)

I haven’t tried the Rogue one but I’ve tried a bacon beer before.  It’s an interesting experience but I wouldn’t want a glass of it.  I didn’t even finish the four ounce sample.

I just had one this weekend and I FREAKIN’ loved it. It was like breakfast in a bottle. The aroma and flavor was smokey bacon with hints of maple syrup. (drool)
I have made some bacon beers that have had the smokiness but never really grabbed that bacon flavor.
These guys have given me something to strive for when I make mine again.
I thought that this beer was a hit. They were going for a bacon maple ale and whether you like it or not, that is exactly what it was.
And no, I’m not a rogue agent.

Interesting. I’m wondering how they got the maple flavor to show through in the final beer. I would think that just using maple syrup would scrub out the actual flavor as it gets fermented out, similar to honey. Aging over maple chips, maybe?

I think maple extract is the most likely answer.  I can pretty much guarantee it wasn’t maple chips.

fenugreek is a possibility too. It is used in a lot of “cheap” maple syrups, and I have heard of it being used in maple syrup beers to up the maple flavor.

i tried a bottle last week.  i poured maybe a half glass and had a hard time getting through that much.  i dumped the rest.  can’t remember the last time i didn’t want to finish drinking a beer.  i love a lot of rogue’s other beers.  this one just isn’t good.

Definitely not in the Rogue beer.  I’ll see John next Mon. and try to remember to ask him.

Denny, John said the maple is extract when we were talking to him about it the day we were there.

Thanks, Tom.  Obviously I didn’t remember that, but a lot of the flavorings Rogue uses come from extract, so I assumed it was a safe guess.