Bad beer

Ive only been brewing about a yr and i just went straight to all grain but im really having problems making good beer…i just started to use my keezer as a fermentor and i hope this will help with my temp swings but i could use some advice from anyone with tips to improve my methods

Can you detail where you think you are lacking?

Tell us what you do now for both recipes and process.

… and describe why you think your beers need help.  I guarantee you that the people here will point you in the right direction.

That right there will probably help hugely in your process to making good beer. Temp control is critical. But so is pitching the “proper” amount of yeast, “proper” aeration and, of course sanitation. But there is also water quality, removal of chlorine, proper pH balance. Could be any number of things.

As the others said, try to give us an idea of what is wrong with you beer.

+1 to everything they said.  We’ll be happy to help you diagnose your issues.

That said, do you belong to a homebrew club?  Are there any experienced palates that you can bring your beer to for diagnosis?  Being able to taste it “live” and talk through your process will make things easier to figure out.

Here’s a list of the higher ranked BJCP judges who are pre-qualified to proctor the beer judging exam.  It is sorted by country/state/city.  Perhaps you could try contacting a couple of these folks that live near you for a diagnosis session? The vast majority would be happy to meet and help you out.


Steve, that is one crazy list of experienced human beer machines.