Bama vs the Longhorns-What are y'all drinking?

Being from Mobile and being a beer fiend I’m prepared to win or lose tonight.  I’ve got some Maredsous, Spaten Pils, and  a Rodenbach Grand Cru if Bama looks goods, and if we lose I’'ve got some St. Arnolds Lawnmower and some Real Ale Coffee Porter.

Drinking a friend’s Hefeweizen. He gave me 4 bottles today. His very first homebrew, and quite good I might add!

Oh . . and Roll Tide!  ;D

I’m having some Ruination and Wipeout IPA and as a Gator, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… ugh

Roll Tide.

Just tapped my APA. I am proud to say hook em’ horns!!! :slight_smile:

I’ll see your St. Arnolds Lawnmower and some Real Ale Coffee Porter, and open my Independence Jasperilla Old Ale! :slight_smile:

Well I am low on brew so for the first half it is PBR. Second half I will go to my Homegrown Nugget and Cascade Pale Ale, which tastes soooo good after PBR .  :wink:

Stealing some young dortmunder from lagering, in honor of my college days! I have some Belgian Golden Strong and RIPA just in case it gets bad.

Finished a bottle of chardonnay…

My wife, a total non football fan opened the last bottle of Mumm Champagne she had and I actually enjoyed it last night.  Not so much this morning though.

I drank a couple of leftover bottles of Olde Towne Hefeweizen from my last trip to Huntsville. It must have helped because Ingram & Bama 'rolled over the Longhorns.  :wink:


4 years running…

I drank Maker’s Mark at a friends house. He and his wife were getting drunk on Michelobe Ultra and going, frankly, insane. This is rural Alabama at its finest, folks.  ::slight_smile:

Something doesn’t track here… How does someone get drunk on Michelob Ultra? Or is that why they were going insane?

I certainly can’t get drunk on light beer. But, then again, I have never been able to drink more than one or two. The ironic thing was that I was drinking bourbon and was fairly sober. They were drinking Mich Ultra and were shitty.  ::slight_smile:

I didn’t think it was physically possible to suck down enough light beer to get drunk. Maybe that’s why so many people complain of feeling bloated when they drink beer. They’ve got to drink a metric assload of it to feel anything.

What’s really strange was that the skinny people were drinking Micro Brews and, in my case, bourbon. Only the “heavy people” were drinking light beer… and apparently lots of it. Weird, eh?