Inspired by a 1919 recipe; this is an offering by Coors I was to find out later with a web-search. A golden bright fizzy lager with a decent malt and hop backbone. A tad sweet but balanced. Lightly herbal and citrusy with a faint currant nose. Definitely reminiscent of the Coors malt profile.
Nice beer. If they were drinking beer like this back then then they were drinking well! The macros would do well to take notice.
so i just tried this last night. i have a patient who is a beer distributor and drops me off a case of varied stuff every now and then. this was in the offering. i was very surprised at how good this was. enough so that i may buy some in the near future. nothing fancy. not over the top with any special flavors etc. just a easy drinking but hearty beer. unfortunately there was only one in the mix.
I have had that one on tap at a local restaurant and was surprised that I enjoyed it. I have a hard time with any of the new beers the big 3 are coming out with to take on the micros. I would say; “Support your local brewer!”, but dang, Coors and Bud are local brewers in Colorado. Time for another hike up the 14er Quandary Peak…
i have a few from my brew last summer, and will brew another for late spring, but quite honestly, mine was not that good. next one will be much improved though.
I’ve had it before. It’s really pretty good. I’d take it over any of the usual BMC products in a heartbeat. It definitely shows MillerCoors can make great beer and could offer some excellent craft products if they wanted to.
Tried it. Liked it. A nice lager that had flavor and body, and wasn’t flavorless or watered down at all. I only got one, but if I had gotten a sixer of it I would not have been at all disappointed. Only down side was twist-off bottle not reusable for homebrew, and I’m currently in need of bottles for my vamped up one batch a week brew schedule!
i received a 6er for christmas and was pleasantly surprised especially coming from coors cause i cant stand coors. do you suppose the bottle shape is like it was in 1919? kinda cool.
I had a sample at the local distributor last week. Definitely more drinkable than the other offerings from Coor’s, but it didn’t change my mind from getting the mixed case from Founder’s.
Resurrecting an old thread as I was finally able to get one in mix-a-six format. I have to say, this is really good for a macro, but it still tastes like a macro. I get some sweetness on the tail end and a bit of corn. But otherwise, this is good stuff. The malt definitely reminds me of Coors. The bittering has a nice snap to it, and it actually smells and tastes like beer. I’d even consider buying a sack of Coors 2-row if it was available.