Battleground Brewers Guild Members Clean up in Carolinas

The Battleground Brewers Guild member Derek Meyn took Brewer of the year for Carolinas, Brew Master of the year also went to Derek, the club was Brew Club of the year for the second year in a row, and Mead Master of the Year also went to a BBG member, Dennis Keeton .

The club started in Greensboro in November 2000 with just 5 members, today it is a thriving club of around 70 members with many accomplished brewers. What has been interesting is the growth of new brewers in the last two years, who have helped the club gain the Brew Club of the year status not once but twice.

Monthly meetings are educational and entertaining, details on the website.

Hi Zulu,

I tried to look your club up on the AHA Club Resources wiki, but no one has posted a profile for it yet. .  You’ll need to register for the wiki, but you can use the same info as this site.  After you’re registered, you can add your club’s profile.

When you add your profile, be sure to upload some photos.  Profiles with photos get spotlighted on the AHA web site!


Was on the old AHA website, I know as I was the contact and got a fair number of calls.

Will update new site with info

Hi Zulu,

The club is still listed in the AHA Clubs List on the new site (, and the Club Profile is something different.  The club profile has basic info about the club, like when it was founded, approximately how many members, contact e-mail and website, but it also is a forum to tell everyone about the club.  What’s your mission statement?  What events do you put on throughout the year?  Plus, you can post your club logo and photos of club events.  You should check out some of the other club profiles to see what they have said about their clubs.
