Bayou Classic KAB6 vs Electric Stove...FIGHT!

Bought one of these this week and finally got it setup with a new propane tank. I did a test on the electric kitchen stove then the same test outside using the new burner. I was surprised how easy it is to adjust the flame just using the air intake on the burner and dialed it in pretty quick, tho i suspect i can still fiddle with it a bit to be more efficient.

I brought 6ga of water to a boil and let it roll for 60 minutes to see what the boil-off would be.

Equipment Time to Boil Starting Volume Ending Volume
Kitchen Stove 1:21:00 6ga 5ga
KAB6 0:23:00 6ga 5ga

Both ending volumes were so close I just rounded it to 5ga. I would’ve had to use a measuring cup to find the actual difference. Not sure if anyone else will find this data useful but I just thought it was interesting.

BTW I’m not sure what the BTUs are on the electric stovetop, its really old. I can try to find out if anyone needs the info.


Thanks for this - I can verify that moving from a stove to a gas burner has reduced my brew day by about an hour, which is not an insignificant difference.

BTU’s…good! 10 gallons ground temp to 160 about 25 minutes.

I read a rumor somewhere that boil-off volume is a function of the water’s surface area.
This almost seems to confirm that, if you were using the same kettle, for both tests.

Look up how they boil down maple syrup - it is in a large shallow pan.  Lots of area for when you are reducing 40:1.

yup, same kettle.