I think it’s becasue I was holding my iPad “upside down” when I took the pic. It works when viewd on iPad, but in “normal” circumstances it’s upside down.
The show: Well, BB King was one of the weirdest shows I’ve ever seen. After the backup band played a couple numbers, BB was wheeled onto stage, where he stood up and toddled onto stage followed by 5-6 handlers. Sat down, picked up his guitar and there was massive feedback. Couldn’t get the guitar working, swapped out 3 amps and 45 min. into the shoe he played his first note. Introed the band for 15 min., told aimless stories while the backup band played and they try to get his amp working, a 15 min. sing along on “You Are My Sunshine”, a lackluster “Thrill is Gone”, then 15 min. of signing autographs and handing out cheap plastic jewelry from the stage. Hour and 15 min, and that was it. Most of the audience thought it was an intermission, but the show was over. I love BB King, but I think maybe it’s time for him to stay home and take it easy.
Yeah, I love BB but when I saw him 15 years ago it was obvious to me he was just “wheeled” out there and that the thrill really was gone. They had another guitarists doing most of the riffs and BB played a bit here and there but was mostly just on display. Cool that I can say I saw him though, he is a legend.
This sounds like the same tour I saw. The guitar player with the blonde pony tail from Saturday Night Live (Jones, Johnson?) did all the work.
Still not as bad as the time I saw (the back of) Bob Dylan’s (head) concert.
I’ve seen BB twice in the last 10 years. Both good shows IMO. The first time was 2003 in Vegas, which was a great show with BB playing and singing well, eventhough BB sat (bad knees) on stage throughout his performance. The most recent show was about five years ago at The Grand in Wilmington, De. It was a decent show, although a little less energy from the BB and the band. He was helped out to the stage and sat throughout the performance. However, it was an entertaining show unlike that which Denny describes. Sounds like BB, going on 88 this year, is showing a lot of signs of his late age. Maybe it’s time he should scale his touring schedule back.
I didn’t want to say anything before hand, but he was past his prime when he was here in Binghamton, a good many years back. Too bad, but we need to remember him for his greatness.
A little googling refreshes my memory (by the way, it is Douglas Adam’s birthday) to find that G.E. Smith was the guitarist, but it was at the Dylan concert I remembered. The BB concert was a long time ago and he was already old, but still enjoyable.
I’ve seen BB King about 20-25 times dating back to the early 90’s but haven’t seen him since 2008. The last couple of shows were inconsistent where he would sing and play a lot in one show, but then the next he would just sing and not play much at all. So maybe each show just depends on his health. However, even the couple of shows that he didn’t play much, it was amazing to watch how much vibrato he would get using just his pinkie finger.