BCS Support and the future of the controller

In researching The BCS to get things rolling for a electric brewery conversion, (a slow and multi stepped conversion) I have realized that a lot of the information out there is dated/no longer applicable. it seems that the Embedded Control Concepts website has been abandoned. The standard product data on the  Brewers hardware And Electric Brewing Supply websites are not accurate. I discovered that it is now owned by Brewers Hardware. Are they just riding it out and staying hands off??  will the product continue to be improved with up to date information made available to the community? It seems like a fantastic way to control everything in a brewery but I’m starting to wonder what I’m getting myself into.

The Discuss link at the ECC site still has a little activity in the forum.  I have one myself and am about to bring it online in a couple of weeks.  But yeah, all the info in the wiki seems to be for the older version.

Ryan with Electric Brewing Supply put together a good video on setting up a basic brew day.  I watched that 3 or 4 times to get the idea of how to configure the processes.  That was a huge help in understanding the logic so to speak.

Hi! I develop the firmware for the BCS.  The product is not dead.  We changed directions with the documentation as part of a major firmware upgrade and it is no longer in the wiki.  Your post actually just helped me realize that we never updated the Learn link on the web site.  The documentation is now maintained at a different URL that’s linked in the forum and from the device itself.  I’m not really familiar with the rules for this forum, so I’m not sure if it’s cool to link it directly from here.

The forum at embeddedcc.com is active, we have people checking it regularly and responding to questions.  The discussion is pretty much limited to questions and answers about the BCS, so there’s not a ton of activity but we generally reply fairly quickly.

Thanks Cory, I will check that video out.

Good to hear brahn and thanks for the reply. I went looking for the link on the ECC forums but came up empty handed. It is ok to share links on the this forum if you would be so kind…

The user guide for the BCS is available at http://docs.embeddedcc.com/

Glad to here there is still support! I have 2 and really like them. Would be a shame for the bcs to go obsolete.

Thanks!! Great info.

while I have your attention,
Are there any plans to add a volume measurement capability to the system??

Most people today are using float switches and flow rate regulators to manage volumes.  There are a number of people on our forum with really impressive systems who are happy to discuss how they work.  We’ve looked at a few volume measurement options but haven’t found a solution that we’ve been comfortable with.  This is something that comes up occasionally and we would add this if we can find something that works well and is relatively easy.

Ok thanks. I will look into those options on the forum.