I’ve judged a few small competitions already under the direction of a BCJP judge. I’ve liked it so it got me looking into certifications. I’m considering both the Cicerone and BJCP certifications. What are advantages/disadvantages of both? Does it make since to get both eventually or focus on just one?
I would like to do more with them then judging home brew competitions so I was thinking I would start with BJCP (easier and cheapest) and then move on to a Certified Cicerone. I would like to get more involved with the brewing industry and I feel like the Cicerone Certification would be a good start. Should I just go straight to Certified Cicerone and save the time?
I would also appreciate and tips/tricks for studying or prepping for the certifications.
The Cicerone program gets expensive after the initial, easy certifications. I’m not sure, though, how much influence that program has in the industry unless you plan to be a server.
BJCP is less expensive and their web site has a ton of good info about testing as well as beer styles. Certified judges don’t get a whole lot of respect in the pro beer industry until they reach a higher rank, like National or Master.
As a higher ranked judge, I get a few perks, mostly the opportunity to be on the best of show panel at the end of competitions.
I think it depends on what you hope to do with the certification. If you plan to be a pro brewer, neither would help a whole lot. If you were planning on marketing for a pro brewery, either would probably help your career path. If you just like judging beer, I’d suggest BJCP.
I have a dream of opening a brewpub like a lot of other home brewers but have a solid career now in finance/accounting. A brewpub is extremely risky/challenging for many reasons (funding, current industry trends, licensing, etc). I would likely end up spending much of my time doing anything but brewing, which is the reason I like the hobby. The dream gets less and less exciting and much more risky when you look at those factors and really do the proper homework for opening a businesses. That is another thread for a different time.
As far as certifications go I would be using these for two reasons. First, to judge and refining my skills in the hobby. It seems in my area there is a lack of judges. Secondly, I would like to open the door to the brewing/beer industry by getting some education/credentials. My thought is I would use these certifications for a side hustle (consulting, blog, etc.) that would supplement my current career. It would allow me to pursue my passion more but not risk the farm on it. I figure if it became profitable enough I could go full time at that point.
Cicerone training is for front of the house staff.
BJCP is more brewing focused, and how to judge the final product.
There are industry people that have high ranks in both organizations.
Some breweries take the training seriously. I was at a little brewery in Truth or Consequences NM that had the Cicerone Certifications of the servers proudly displayed on the wall.