Beer color issue

I brewed a Belgian Wit (albeit hoppier) and while I’m satisfied with the taste, the color is unappealing. My grain bill was:
4.5 lb. pale 2-row
4.5 lb. American wheat
0.5 lb. flaked wheat
0.5 lb. flaked oat
While I wanted a hazy finished product, the beer is tan and doesn’t fit anywhere on a beer color chart. It is missing a straw color (yellow hue) I was hoping for.
Yeast is WLP 410

I am hoping for some help understanding how I might have messed up the color and ideas on how I might correct without impacting flavor. Here are my current thoughts:

  • it looks a bit like water when making oatmeal. Could the oats be the source?
  • I’m relatively new to dryhopping which I did in this beer. Any potential issues?

This is my first time posting so I apologize if I messed up in some way. I sure appreciate your feedback. I’m trying to add a photo but not successful on my iPad. I will try to get one up from another device.

wrong orientation, but you get the idea

Elevated mashing pH will increase wort color and boiling for extended time adds color too.

Photos have to be less than 1MB to upload, try lower resolution

Oxidation can lead to darkening too

I’m not sure how you get <1 SRM from that grainbill. The grains in my Wit are similar to what you mention, but uses Pils malt instead of 2-Row. I use more Oats than you indicated, so I don’t think that is an issue.
BeerSmith predicts 4 SRM using that grain bill with my water, which is low in minerals, and alkalinity.

I don’t dry hop a lot, so can’t advise on what that might do, but shouldn’t affect the color.

Will be interested in your picture.

Thanks Roger. You are right, I went back and calculated again.  I get 3.4 SRM.  I don’t have my water stats handy but will look for them later to check on mineral and PH per Mabrungard’s post

Thanks Martin, I am just starting to assess water content but have spent a bit of time on your site.  I have lots to look at and learn.

IMO, Looks like a milky protein haze caused by the addition of flaked wheat and oats.
A pilsner base will give a diffrent color or maybe adding some Munich 10 will give a nice golden hue.
Here is my grain bill for a belgian style beer. Just increase the wheat to whatever the guidelines are.

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I think I’ll try again with some focus on the water and an adjusted grain bill.

Now that I can see a picture, the primary problem is the amount of yeast still in suspension. Let it chill for a couple more weeks.

+1.  When some more yeast drops out, you will get a nice light golden color.