Beer Connoissuer Mag

I just noticed the ad on the AHA page for this mag.  Has anyone read or subscribed?  How does it compare to the other general beer mags (DRAFT, All About Beer, etc.)?

I enjoy it.  Only quarterly.  Not too much “fluff”, interesting articles.  Nice beer-travel articles (e.g. “The Farmhouse Traditions of Lithuania” - who knew??).  Brewpub, brewery and restaurant “tours”.  An “International” beer news section with more detailed articles about non-US breweries and brewing practices.  The magazine is a slightly larger format, and while the current issue is only 64 pages, it’s mostly content and seemimgly not much advertising. And it has the obligatory beer reviews, which seem pretty legit (and include food pairing recommendations).

It’s a great magazine, especially compared to Draft & All About Beer.

I haven’t heard of it but I’m sure the wife will be thrilled to see another beer magazine in the throne room.