Beer Faucet Covers

My LHBS sold me on buying 4 of those black, plastic faucet covers.  Are they really necessary?  It’s not like I have flies buzzing in and out of my faucets.  It seems to me these covers will get far nastier than the faucets ever would uncovered.  I think I got sold…

Don’t know. I have them and spray sanitizer in them and the faucet before putting them on.  However, when the outside of the faucet is wet from condensation, a seal forms, air compresses inside the faucet and pushes them off.  Probably a rinse with sanitizer or water and air dry is enough. I have plenty of flies in my garage and did forget them once - poured a beer and had a fly in the pint.

Which reminds me of a bad joke.  An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar and each order a pint. Just as they are served three flies land in them.  The Englishman pushes his beer to the publican and asks for another pint.  The Irishman picks up the fly, flicks it away and takes a good drink.  The Scotsman picks up the fly by the back of its wings and yells, “Spit it out, ye bastard!”
