I brewed my first batch, an IPA, on Monday 3/2/2016 and cooled the wort to 65F, pitched the yeast and put it in the fermenter. It took of quick, and bubbled heavy for around 3.5 days, and had a good kreausen. During the first 4 days or so, I never saw the temperature on the stick on thermometer go above 72F. However, the past few days have been pretty warm, and the thermometer has varied between 80F and 84F. I have the fermenter in a dark closet and don’t have any cooler spot in the house to put it (a chest freezer will be one of my next buys). I have a wet towel wrapped around the carboy now to try and bring the temp down. My question is, since it stayed around 72F for the fist 4 days during heavy fermentation, will the beer be ok, or is it even worth giving it a few more days in the fermenter before bottling, or is it a case of pitch it and try again?
If it stayed that low for the bulk of fermentation(first 4 days) you should be OK, but realistically you want it under 70 for those first few days. Either way, it will be beer and you will have made it. It will be the best beer you have ever brewed, and you can take pride in that
Thanks Frank. I am going to be getting a chest freezer to put the carboys in going forward. Going to have to measure the inside of some to see what size I need for 2 6.6g carboys.
I do hope it will at least be drinkable. As far as being the best I have ever brewed, that is true…it’s the only one I have ever brewed LOL.
I think the yeast action is over at this point, but something to keep in mind for the future is yeast metabolic activity. Once the yeast get underway, you generally want to keep them at a stable temperature for the bulk of fermentation. Many people will start allowing the temperature to gently rise at a certain percent of fermentation to provide more encouragement for yeast activity at the end. You can study up on this separately if it interests you.
In any case, just make sure that once fermentation is underway that you’re not cooling the yeast. A cooling trend will give the yeast the indication that it’s time to close up shop and settle out. Many new brewers end up with stalled fermentations because of “yo-yo” temperature management (i.e. over the first 4 days going from 65F to 75F then back down to 65F).
Congrats on getting your first batch under your belt. Sounds like it will be a good one!