Beer in Gas Line

Somehow (it took some effort), I managed to get a small amount of beer into one of my gas lines - maybe a couple of drops. My options seem to be 1) RDWHAHB, 2) try to purge the line with some sanitizer, or 3) replace the line.

It seems to me that, in a chilled CO2 environment, it would be difficult for bad bugs to infest the line, so maybe option 1 is fine. But then again, a few feet of line is pretty cheap, so go with 3. No votes for 2, so far.


I vote for #3.  Like you said, line is cheap and I’d be worried that something will eventually grow in there.

I vote for #1 for now.
Make sure the gas line is above the keg and serve yourself a beer and it should all go into the keg.
When the keg is done, clean and sanitize the line. And cut the gas-in diptube so it is shorter so it won’t be in the beer.

I vote for #1, because I’ve had this happen and it didn’t hurt a thing. I removed the connector and depressed the poppet. CO2 and beer shot out. Done deal. It’s beer in a CO2 environment. I eventually cleaned the line, but that’s  a regular thing I do anyway.

I wouldn’t worry about it.  A few drops of beer in the line won’t hurt a thing.

+1 to RDWHAHB.  Just clean it out when you change your next keg.  If you have extra line, then replace it if you want, but not necessary.


I’m gonna go with #2 on this one…mostly because nobody voted for it. Sanitizing line is easy and cheaper than buying a new one.