Beer lovers more likely to have sex on the first date

Interesting trends noted in the article ;D

Big surprise! ;D

but what about on the subsequent dates? oh, i see, just a whole lot of first dates 8)

Great…now you tell me!!!  Where were you 18 years ago when I said “I Do” :slight_smile:

So if you’re single, you should ask the beer question and if she says yes…then ask her out?  If she says no, you can just say you’re taking a survey for a sociology class.

Just invite her for a beer.  If she says she doesn’t like beer then you know the answer :slight_smile:

or you could ask her to give you a beer. if she has one on hand then she is also prepared and ready. if not then off you go…okay, i will get to church soon.

Well… if she’s a beer drinker, we’re likely to have sex on every date.  jmo…  :wink:

I’m not a sex on the first date kinda guy.  Of course, I hardly ever go out on dates, so that complicates things…

Makes sense to me…  a few “good” beers can be a lot of alcohol, a lot more than a few drinks worth.

I’d like to go out on more dates…but the wife won’t let me :slight_smile:

Remember, if she smokes, she pokes.  ;D

Was just having a conversation in which I revealed that I really get myself into trouble going after the bad girls.

Well its  10;55am ,wife is drinking a beer on Valentine’s Day and its also our  anniversary so I guess its a sure thing ;D

Well…it’s been quite a while since my first date but if my memory serves me right, sex didn’t happen on the first date… it was the second.  ;D

That still makes me a beer lover. right?  :-\ ;D :wink:

Been out of the game for a few decades… But I do seem to remember that beer was a good tool. Or Tequila, or anti freeze…

And 9 months later…whoopsie daisy!