Beer making gifs

Saw this on FastCompany Design this morning:

Which begs the question - in what medium will Dogfish Head choose to sellout next?

How is selling selling out? if you are a commercial operation you have to market yourself. In this world of viral advertising and reality TV as marketing DFH does what it can to sell it’s products, and pretty good products at that. For a commercial brewery to experiment as much as they do and still be successfull is pretty cool in my opionion.

Yeah this is a business and let’s face it - Sam’s been able to do an interesting job making a number of strange beers and using that and his good looks and showmanship to promote the ever living hell out of the company.

And I say this as someone who isn’t always a fan of DFH beers. I think it’s the Ringwood variant they use and the fact that I’ve got a West Coasters taste buds for beer now.

Plus, I really want to learn how to make those cinemagraphs. Those can be so awesome.

Genius! This is cool stuff… the looping is absolutely perfect! This can open up all kinds of advertising ideas… no selling out going on here!

i made about 20 of these for a client over 10 yrs ago when they were still called “animations”, old-fashioned, i know.

I created them using Adobe After Effects by masking out the moving sections and laying them over a still-frame background with a bit of feathering. its not difficult, but it can be a bit tedious depending on the content.

I’m sure there is some new-fangled software that makes it much easier nowadays using multiple stills and bracketing. in my day we did it by hand, pixel by pixel, uphill! both ways!! GET OFF MY LAWN!

but i digress…


These types of GIFs are really popular these days - see for more info. It’s a super cool technique.

Sam has a lot of the same drive Ray Kroc had.

Fine - he didn’t sellout - he bought in…whatever.

hug its ok, relax, go drink some brews!

sorry didn’t mean to jump down your throat. It’s just that all too often a company will actually sell out and the quality and/or variety of their products will drain away as they are corpratized ( I don’t think that is a word). I don’t actually drink alot of DFH beers although the midas touch is a special thing.

Well, whatever. The gifs are cool.

Hey man, it’s like 2Pac said, i ain’t mad atcha.

Also, another lyric from the same 2Pac song that’s pertinent to the discussion, “I moved up out of the ghetto, so I ain’t real now?” - Mr. Shakur has, once again, given us all a little something to think about.