Beer Price Inflation

Inflation sucks. Wife and I wanted to go out for a few craft brews. Yes, I make my own, but it’s nice trying different brews, getting ideas, etc. Well… we encounter $8.50 to $10.00 a pint for nothing special around here.


Sucks the value right out of your buying power! Not that you are but we  can’t blame the people producing goods because their costs have skyrocketed too. Blame the Uni-Party of DC and their globalist cabal.

Yes, I agree with the statement. I didn’t post as I wanted to avoid anything political.

Possibliy remember the stupid “WIN” slogan from the 70’s? “Whip Inflation Now” as if a slogan or saying would actually do anything to combat the inflated prices.

Global cabal, lol…let me guess: your favorite letter is Q? Let us know when the shuttle lands. In the meantime, I personally prefer living in the real world where objective reality supersedes self–delusion and conspiracy theories.

And this thread gets locked down in 3…2…1…

I won’t respond to such an idiotic statement from you RC other than have a wonderful day.

This is a warning…no politics pleaee.