Hello from Juneau, Alaska USA. From time to time, I’ve been bottling tiny quantities of a home made reduction that I just call ‘Alaskan Awesome Sauce’, which consists of Alaskan Amber, balsamic, brown sugar and a few other things depending on what is on hand. While it reduces for several hours and I end up with a syrupy and incredibly delicious (halibut, salmon, chops, steak…) reduction, I store it in a glass bottle with a ceramic top and rubber gasket so its pretty airtight but, should this stuff always be refrigerated? It all gets consumed pretty quickly so shelf-life isn’t a concern really. If I refrigerate, it definitely becomes more syrupy/thicker and it also seems to separate a bit, with some of the sugars settling to the top. The color is a gorgeous purple/red. Ideas?
Thank you!