Beer with Ben

Ben Richards has been doing a project where he has decided to grow all of the ingredients for a single batch of beer. I mean all of the ingredients. Water, hops, barley, and yeast are all grown on a small plot of land, and then he has chronicled his experience. Ben also recruited experts to help along the way.  Today I had Ben on the show to discuss this project and how he is doing another project where he not only grows the ingredients but forages for them as well.

To listen to the full podcast episode, just go to to this link

Gotta be a long process, iirc takes hops a few seasons to produce

For home growers, yeah.  Commercial growers often get a harvest in a year.

When I got back into brewing I bought a dudes small batch operation off of let-go app for a killer price. He was kind enough to let me come dig up his rhizomes for free. Waiting to replant them

I grew water once. Think I harvested too early.


I do it by climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to collect the purest oxygen for making my water.  Collecting the hydrogen is tough, though.

I came very close to doing something like this a few years ago. I have hops vines already and I grew malting barley with the intention of malting it and making a batch of beer with my own barley and hops. I had decided not to use wild yeast for fear of ruining a batch after al that work.
The barley did very well and I harvested more than enough. Unfortunately, when it was drying in a shed rodents got to it. I was pissed.
I will try again, this time I will dry it in my cellar.

Now I also want to do it myself

NO!!! You must eliminate oxygen in your water at all costs! Mash in pure hydrogen! :wink:

I have trouble holding mash temperature in my cryogenic liquid hydrogen dewar.  Do you have any advice?

Operate it in a perfect vacuum.

I was trying to explain this thread to my wife yesterday and for some reason she did not find it as amusing as I did.