Beersmith help with grain input

I’m a newbie for sure and feeling my way.  I found a Belgian Ale recipe and it calls for some biscuit malt.  I’m using Beersmith and Bru’nWater for my guides.  In the recipe it calls for some biscuit malt, but in Bru’nWater I don’t know what the heck to call biscuit.  Roast?  Base? Crystal?  It changes the pH and I am using it to help calculate water correction.  I am calling it 23L for color by the way.  Google has NOT helped me with this one. Thank you.

If you hover your cursor on the ‘Grain Type’ cell on the ‘Grain Bill Input’ worksheet you’ll see a comment that helps you place some non-obvious malts into correct categories.  In this case, Biscuit is listed in the comments as a ‘crystal’ malt type for the purpose of pH prediction.

Holy cow. Thank you so much.  Sorry I missed that stupid little thing : (

No worries.  Easy questions get easy answers :smiley: