BeerSmith Podcast, brought to you by BeerSmith

Listening to Brad’s latest episode while mashing. Does anybody else get a chuckle out of the fact that the BeerSmith podcast is sponsored by the BeerSmith software? Maybe he operates the two as separate corporate entities and the software “gives” to the podcast, but it’s still humorous.

It reminds me of a college professor I had years ago. He had published dozens of journal articles and had a few college texts, two of which were required reading. When lecturing he would often cite himself in the third person. Made me chuckle every time.

The “your host and author of  Homebrewing with BeerSmith” gets me all the time. As if the blog, the book, the software and the podcast are all independent entities. It’s almost like speaking about yourself in the third person.

Not to mention that the intro is Brad with his voice modified to sound super deep introducing himself on his own podcast.

I got to cite myself in a paper once. Technically, I should have been an “et al” but formatting be damned.

There is nothing wrong with citing your own work. Science is generally evolutionary.  You can cite precious results that are underpinnings for the current work.

I agree that citing in a paper is completely normal, but during a lecture it’s weird. Use the possessive pronoun.

I poke fun at Brad’s show, but I do certainly appreciate it. He manages to get pretty solid guests show after show.

Alestateyall is a great brewer and he self cites all the time. But never in a lecture. :wink:

Agreed on all counts. Brad’s interviews have gotten a lot better since his early days. He used to cut off his guests a lot, and still push a lot of outdated information. He’s gotten a lot better on both accounts in the past year or two.