Beersmith question

Is there a calendar function on the mobile (iPad) app? I can’t find it.

Nope. You can set the brew date. That’s the only thing I know of related to the calendar.

The mobile app is lacking many features. I am not a fan and pissed that I bought it.

The mobile app is good for roughing in a recipe, but that’s really about it. I use it to find my initial grain bill and hops, then I’ll work out all the details later on the desktop version.

I don’t mind the lack of features, but feel it’s overpriced for what it is.

I am the opposite. I prefer the mobile app over the desktop version. I keep all active recipes in the Beersmith cloud so I can look at them on either platform. But, I rarely use the desktop version. I am not sure which desktop feature you miss. The desktop calendar and inventory  are clunky so I don’t bother with them. For efficiency calc I adjust the efficiency in the equipment profile for the recipe until the predicted OG matches the actual. Then I know the actual efficiency.


At $8-$10, quite surprised to hear complaints of the price, too.

The app just has a really clunky interface IMO. Some sort of menu system to speed changing between the different areas of the app would make it more usable.

The desktop version also lets me see all the info I want on the recipe creation screen. Water volumes for mash and sparge, and some other parameters that I like to keep an eye on can be added to the right-hand column.

To be fair, I’m not much of a smart phone user. Once I have my recipes built I write everything in my log, I find I do a better job keeping a physical log updated vs. a digital one.