Belgian IPA

Can someone tell me how the Belgian IPA in this weeks beer of the week finishes at 5% abv?

my guess is that the OG is a typo. maybe supposed to be 1.057?

Looks to me like the expected OG is correct.  With Ardennes, I would expect that to finish around 1.012 or so, for a beer stronger than 5%.

The malt bill looks closer to a 1.057ish beer.

If I put 9lbs of extract and 1 lb of cane sugar into promash it tells me to expect 1.076.

Just checked the O.G. and it is correct.  The ABV should be in the 7.5 range.

From the recipe, if I put 9lb. of liquid extract and 1lb of cane sugar in promash I get 1.060.  If its DME its 1.076.  According to promash  2012  :wink:

I think Denny’s version comes in around the higher OG.


Looks like I used LME…

It’s the evaluation version, but I don’t think that means it’s wrong.

I tried the grains and that also comes in around 1.076.

9lbs of DME by itself will exceed 1.076.

ack! :o  My batch size defaults to 6 gals, that’s why my numbers were lower. Carry on.