Belgian Trippel

I want to brew a special Trippel for my 59th birthday. I’ve tried a few La Fin Du Monde clones with varying success. Looking for a recipe for a terrific trippel, maybe even Bush. Any recommendations or direction?

Triple is dead easy…pils malt and sugar, plus a yeast of your choice. Almost all the flavor comes from the yeast.  Fin du Monde uses some spices, too.

+1 to all of this. Fin du Monde doesn’t really taste like a classic tripel to me, because of the spices. To me WLP500 or WY3787 are best suited to making a beer that tastes like my ideal Tripel, but there are plenty of options out there.

I agree. Pils malt, sugar, noble hops to about 30 IBU and 3787 make my ideal tripel.

Thanks!  I appreciate the advice and Denny, I believe the recipe I settled on is a slight variation on one of yours I found.  Supplies ordered!


make sure to use alot of yeast, aerate and control ferm temps.

Just did one with a maple sap reduction if you’re looking for a twist on the classic.

I’m interested to hear more about this. Honest question - isn’t maple sap reduction maple syrup?  Did you replace the Candi sugar with maple syrup or maple water?  I think that flavor would blend well into a trippel.

yes, maple sap just boils down to maple syrup, or i suppose if you keep going it will either caramelize or burn and result in a further reduction.

What would be your choice if you had to use a dry yeast?

Hate to tell ya, but I have never found a dry yeast that makes a decent tripel.

If you like a fruity tripel that is low in phenols, like I do, SafeAle BE-256 (formerly called Abbaye) makes a pretty good tripel.

Last year I did a split batch between Abbaye and Mangrove Jack’s tripel yeast. The Mangrove Jack yeast would not flocculate, whereas the Abbaye finished and dropped quickly.  After 5 weeks in the primary without dropping, I ended up kegging the Mangrove Jack batch with gelatin, then transferred the beer after a couple of days to another keg.

Both made tasty tripels. My past tripel brewing procedure was to brew 10 gallons of 1.050 Belgian single and split between WY3522 (Lachouffe) and WY3787 (Westmalle), then use the yeast cakes to brew tripels. While the dry yeasts may not provide the complexity of those liquid yeasts, I found them very good. The beer seems to take a lot longer to age, but after a couple of months they were outstanding.

I have a pack of SafeAle BE-256 that I need to use. I’ll use it for a Golden Strong or Trippel. Wyeast 3787 is my favorite yeast for Trippel. BE-256 makes a decent Quad too.