Best all grain hefeweizen kit?

I’ve seen great reviews for “Hanks Hefeweizen” but I love Franziskaners Weissbier. This will be my second homebrew, I brewed a chocolate stout a little over a month ago and it’s already almost gone! There are several franziskaner clone recipes out there but if hanks hefe is really good then i might give it a try. On a side note do I really need to do a yeast starter for the hefe or can I just pitch an extra wyeast packet?

I don’t know about kits but easy recipe

60% Wheat
40% Pils (you can get creative and use a portion of munich or vienna if you need to)
WLP300 or WLP380 (my fave)
12-18 IBUs clean bittering hop @ 60 min

You can do a single infusion or multiple step mash starting with a ferulic acid rest or double decoction, it’s up to you! I prefer a single infusion @150 usually because I’m practical. But I’ll doa  double decocotion from time to time when I’m feeling adventurous.

Pitch yeast at 58 hold 72 hours raise to 66 till finished.

Here’s an idea: Make Your Best Weissbier | Craft Beer & Brewing

You may or may not need rice hulls. Depends on the design of your tun. But it’s not a bad precaution to throw a few handfulls in.


What is your method for adding rice hulls?  I’ve only used them once and quickly realized they are thirsty little buggers: they drank my wort. I’ve never seen this mentioned but is it recommended to soak them in water first?

Never soaked them, I just throw them in with the grain. If they have a lot of absorption I never noticed it.  You just need to calculate them by weight and add it to the grain bill.

Majorvices recipe is pretty much what I do.  I use 30% pils/10% munich, one bittering addition of Tettnanger to 18 IBUs, and ferment cool with WY3333 (which I see from the Mr. Malty charts is the Wyeast equivalent of WLP380).

I would also note that I have made this before with 40% Avangard pale ale malt and it comes out excellent as well.  I find the ones I have made with just pils and wheat malt to be lacking, but that’s just my taste.

I think I’ll try this before summer. Thanks Keith

Anything weird with the yeast? Airlock or no, that kind of stuff?

Water? I’m assuming Cl mostly

I adjust the pH of the mash to 5.4 with Cl and lactic. I have gone back to using airlocks for everything because I am forgetful of 5 and 10 gallon batches. lol

That’s interesting I may try that. I have gone vienna instead of pils and like the result.

Wheat, or wheat malt. I assume malt

oh yeah malt

Awesome thx. I don’t ferment much at 58d but I’m going to try to make a low ester blonde for summer, and I think 58f 3 days then 68f would work exceptionally on that, so my heffeweizen will have a buddy in the chest

The fermentation temp can also be played around with. Supposedly some breweries in Germany ferment much warmer.

The Brewers Publication book “German Wheat Beers” is actually an excellent resource.


My favorite  recipe so far…
66% wheat
22% pilsner
9% carahell
3% sauer malt
16 IBU’s for 60 min. 
OG 1.055

3068 if you want it like fresh Paulaner
3638 if you prefer Schneider