Anybody know where I can get a lot analysis for Best Malz? Specifically their pils malt?
I always got if from the seller. North Country Malt in my case.
Thanks, Kai. I picked this up from Brew Bros. in PDX. I’ll see if they know. Do you happen to recall the extract potential that yours had? I got insane efficiency this weekend with it, and I’m wondering if I underestimated the extract.
82.5 Denny but that was from this past Spring
I have the PDF if you want it
Thanks, that’s good enough. Still trying to figure out how I got 97% mash efficiency and 93% into the fermenter!
maybe you measured wrong.
I usually see a bump with it was well but have attributed that to decoction/step mashing that I use when making German beers.
That looks like more than a bump though ;D
Single infusion for me, and it’s about 10 pts. higher than is normal for me.
Denny, you should not see a jump of 10% from 87% to 97%. Especially when you batch sparge with only one sparge and when you brew breers as strong as your sig suggests. There is a limit to what you can get with batch sparging and that is about 85-87%.
Contributing all the 10% to the malt is also difficult since the variances you would see in malt’s extract potential might up to 3% but not more than that.
I agree with you Kai, but I’m not sure what else to attribute it to. I was shooting for an OG of 1.052. I used 17 lb. of Best pils malt (nothing else) and got 11.3 gal. of 1.052 pre boil. I boiled down to just over 9 gal. and ended up at 1.060.
Not a lot but from their website.
I agree with pretty much everyone here. 10% almost has to be a measurement error. but with a good consisyent brewer this is not common.
Dang. I was just about to post the same question. I got Best Pils, Wheat & some Caramel from North Country but no lot analysis. I emailed them but nothing yet. Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow.
You still have some of this malt left. See what you get with future mashes. Maybe keep track if mash thickness and first wort gravity as well. You could always try a test mash to test the malt potential extract. But that might be taking it too far.
You still have some of this malt left. See what you get with future mashes. Maybe keep track if mash thickness and first wort gravity as well. You could always try a test mash to test the malt potential extract. But that might be taking it too far.
Yeah, I just used 17 lb. out of a new 55 lb. bag, so there’s lots left. I always track the SG of both the first runoff and the total volume into the kettle. FWIW, I recall that my mash thickness this time around was 1.53 qt./lb. I used 6.5 gal. for the mash and IIRC 6.25 gal. for the sparge. And Fred, I agree that measurement error was the first thing to cross my mind, so I double checked all my measurements. It will be interesting in future uses of this grain to see what happens.
what was the gravity of the first runnings?
If you inadvertantly measured lets say 18lbs or more. You should see the result of that in your remaining grain bag. It would be a hassle to weigh the remaining grain. Just a thought.
what was the gravity of the first runnings?
I don’t recall off the top of my head. I’ll get out my notebook when I get home and let you know.
If you inadvertantly measured lets say 18lbs or more. You should see the result of that in your remaining grain bag. It would be a hassle to weigh the remaining grain. Just a thought.
I appreciate the thought, but I’m positive I weighed out 17 lb.
OK, here are the numbers…
17 lb. of Best pils malt. Mashed with 6.5 gal. 1st runoff was 5.5 gal. of 1.074. Sparged with 5.75 gal. Total boil volume was 11.25 gal. of 1.052. 1.052 was my target gravity for the entire batch!
OK, here are the numbers…
17 lb. of Best pils malt. Mashed with 6.5 gal. 1st runoff was 5.5 gal. of 1.074. Sparged with 5.75 gal. Total boil volume was 11.25 gal. of 1.052. 1.052 was my target gravity for the entire batch!
According to these numbers I get a conversion efficiency of ~95%. But with that an overall efficiency of 97% should not be possible unless you convert more starches during sparging.
But what is also odd is that you have a grain absorption of 0.06 gal/lb. This is about half of what brewers generally see. Did you correct the volumes for temperature?