Best of Craft - Bend

Cool experience. First, Bend has grown and is amazing. The city of round abouts now. All about beautification too. There are more trees in a safeway parking lot than in our whole town. Tonight was the judge meet up. Held at a bottle shop, first time I’ve had a sour on tap. Very nice. Met the gentleman I’m judging with, a brewer from Breakside. It looks like the comp is just a big two day BOS. He and I are the first and final say on all of the hybrids. Ought to be a total ball!

I have judged amber hybrids a couple of times.  I would like to get assigned to a light hybrid flight.

After a closer look I’m just judging Light Hybrids.

Sounds like a blast. Bend is awesome.

We were in Bend last April and had a blast. Have fun.

I considered judging there this year, but friends who have didn’t have very much good to say about it.  Hope you have a better experience!

Its just their second year, and its awesome I think. Great setting, they catered breakfast and lunch which is great food and plenty of it. Oakshire Matt is here, ask what he thinks. I’m having a ball.

Facilities not too shabby