best place to get correct food grade silicone tubing/jose?

Im seeing a wide range of sizes and types of silicone tubing out there.  Is there one or two go-to places you all get silicone tubing from?  and for a reasonable price?

When I need it, I usually just buy at LHBS, but the big online guys should have it as well. Morebeer, Adventures in homebrewing, etc. May need to shop around to find the best price

I get mine from McMaster Carr. I’m not sure how it compares to homebrew vendors, but silicone tubing is expensive compared to PVC regardless of source.

I bought my hoses from Bobby at

+1 I really like the quality of this tubing.  I have been using mine for a couple of years and it’s held up very well with semi-annual or so PBW recirs.  Plus, I really like Brewers Hardware.

Number one choice is my LHBS. My next go-to is

Ive checked a few LHBS, but price is nearly twice what I see at online sources.  I put in an order with brewhardware, thanks fellas!

Last time I was at the restaurant supply store they happened to have it for a little over $1/ft.

I think Amazon stocks a silicon Jose.


Now I’m curious what a restaurant store would stock that for? What are they doing in kitchens these days?

I checked the website of my favorite restaurant supply store in Cleveland.  No silicone tubing.  Sean should count himself lucky.

I would recommend to anyone. I accidentally stumbled onto them when looking for connections for my riptide pump and am so glad I did. I’ve since been and always will be a repeat customer. The quality of their stuff is great for what I need. I’d happily pay more for their bulkheads and valves and also the tubing and connectors. Heavy, secure, and not “just stuff from a hardware store” type of products. Not saying it is the gospel, but it is my experience with them. Prices are very close, but the product is definitely an upgrade.

It’s what fryer cleaners use for temporary connections. Temperature resistance means that’s about all you can use.

Not all silicone tubing is created equal and I’ve gotten a lot of gunk and odd flavors from tube of unknown provenance. My opinion is that for the time and money we put into ingredients we should be sure were not screwing it up with off flavors from cheap hose. I only use platinum cured silicone now and only buy from a proven source.

I’d been using Bargain Fittings for a while now and a quick comparison of just a few fittings shows their pricing to be a bit lower than BrewHardware BUT… BrewHardware looks to have quite a bit more than just fittings, and their tubing comes in a bit lower than Bargain Fittings.

Bargain Fittings claims their silicone tubing has FDA approval and NSF 51 Certification, and BrewHardware claims FDA approval so either one should be plenty safe for direct food contact and both claim they can go up to 500 F. Looks like these are two good choices for quality silicone tubing.

I checked on of my favorite places to order stuff from Brewers Hardware Supply.
They have all kinds of silicone tubing but it is $2+ per foot.  You might be able to do better than that.