BIAB newbie

Just got my first batch of American pale ale using a pre bought all grain kit. Brewed, bottled and tasted lovely. I live in an area with hard water so am after recipes for BIAB. Am rather green when it comes to these things but am after suggestions.

I like ruby and dark ales…

Irish red ales, oatmeal stout, and Scottish ales are up your alley I’d suppose with an occasional esb/IPA.  So for suggestions:
#1 RO water
#2 BrunWater
#3 Beersmith
#4 stop buying recipe kits and build your own off of BYO/Zymurgy/AHA/Beer Recipes/Threads.
#5 and most important - relax, have a homebrew …

Welcome to the joy of all-grain brewing!  The process of BIAB doesn’t change the recipes at all.  Brew whatever you like.  Hard water, yeah, well… personally I wouldn’t worry a lot about it unless you detect pH problems or weird harsh flavors in your homebrews.  Otherwise, no worries.  You can start out by brewing kits, or use recipes from books or magazines like Zymurgy and Brew Your Own (I still do that quite a bit), or pick up a copy of the book Designing Great Beers that really does a great job of teaching you how to design your own recipes from scratch.  The only thing I would caution you on when looking for recipes is that I wouldn’t trust many of the recipes you might find randomly online via Google searches or whatever.  It’s better to know the source, and in general it’s a little better to get something published in hard copy or that’s been reviewed by many homebrewers if you want good ideas.  Also it’s safer to avoid any recipes older than like from 10 years ago; try to find recipes a little more recent.  Homebrewing wasn’t quite the same in the old days as it is now, i.e., we’ve come a long way, baby.  The exception to all rules of course is this forum, where we have some really smart homebrewing dudes on here who can help you conceptualize and formulate good recipes anytime if you’re interested, just post something on here and you’ll have pretty good answers within a matter of 48 hours or less.

Cheers, good luck, and welcome to the forum!


BIAB is an easy and effective method for making excellent beer. Like any all grain method, liquid volumes and gravities are important. Check out this site for an excel model for measuring and monitoring your process. Good luck with your brewing.


Brew on and have fun, the sky is the limit my friend, enjoy!!

An welcome to all those who are new to the forum!

ruby and dark ales would be good candidates for biab with hard water, you don’t necessarily need to go to RO if you don’t want to but it does mean you will probably need to be a little more water knowledgeable.  My recommendation is to use a “normal” amount of liquor to grist for the main mash (1.2-1.7qts/lb) and heat up the remaining water on the stove and add it for mash out if you notice you are having pH or efficiency issues.  Otherwise let’er fly and brew what you want in the batch size you want.  You can buy kits or you can build your own, if you are new to all grain I would get a few kits under your belt first but hey, RDWHAHB.  Welcome to the forum!